Hayden has been a practitioner of the Healing Arts for over a decade.
The purpose of the work is to teach you to amplify your own health and vitality through embodied awareness. The intention is to help you access the innate wisdom of your body. Her passion lies in continually refining ancient techniques and synthesizing with modern technology to create healing experiences. Through embodying more capacity and resilience within your own system, you are able to engage tension, adapt, and create more space for creativity to flow.
As someone who always enjoyed creative pursuits, she found herself stuck and collapsed, physically holding onto stress and pain. Her own path led her to explore a variety of modalities, tools, and practices for embodiment and nervous system regulation. She found that bodywork helped her engage and shift holding patterns. As she worked through physical tension, she was able to access the wellspring of creativity within once again, and cultivate the resilience to express it.
She now helps others on a similar journey through bodywork and sound therapy, and continues to pursue other creative endeavors outside of the studio.