Chronic Pain as a Guide
Chronic Pain is a teacher I’ve come to love.
Not in an attached way. Not in a hold onto because who would I be without my pain kind of way. But in a way of respect for Chronic Pain, as a Guide on a road of transformation and evolution.
Does massage help? Absolutely! Will it get rid of it? Fix it completely? Maybe. Without bringing awareness to the changes in your life your intelligent body is signaling for, either subtle or massive? Probably not.
If you ignore urges from Chronic Pain to transform the way you move through life, it returns. Sometimes, even though we are making the changes, moving through life differently, the pain stays… because where you are is a long way from where your body wants to be.
And that’s ok. Sometimes, going hard on the transformation journey is outside your window of tolerance. Sometimes, we just need to rest until we’ve built up our resources to make big leaps.
Massage can be a bandaid. Massage can be a way of tuning into the messages from your body, whether you’re ready to heed them or not. Massage can be a way of resourcing energy until you are ready to transform. Maybe you don’t have the perfect intention carved out, and you don’t understand why you feel called, but you do. It’s all good.
I’m down for band-aid sessions. I’m down for quantum leaps and timeline hopping sessions. Wherever you’re standing on your road of transformation, healing and evolution, I’m down to stand with you, hangout with you and your Chronic Pain Guide, dialogue, listen, and come up with a plan for our next steps.
As Ram Dass would say, “We’re all just walking each other home.”