The Magic of Curiosity

One of the things that have propelled me forward on my healing journey is curiosity. I seek to understand different perspectives. To try on new systems, ways of communicating experience, and lenses of reality. When someone describes to me their experience, I have a deep desire to understand them, to forge a connection.

Curiosity is imperative on this path, as is a willingness to enter the unknown and a healthy dose of humility. If everything is known there's no room for learning. 

You have to have the curiosity to open yourself to new possibilities. Discontent and even dis-ease occur as a cry for something new, to do things differently… because what has worked in the past no longer does and something else is calling you forward. A shift in perspective, a new way of understanding, and exploring new territory, invokes excitement and new connections. A new world emerges for the individual, and that ripples out. Fresh energy. Flowing life force. This is the door that curiosity opens.

I've never understood the expression curiosity killed the cat. Curiosity is how the cat discovered it had at least eight more lives to live. 😽

I could close here, but I think there's one more thing to be said about the importance of curiosity on the healing path. The above speaks more to the external, or active role of curiosity. I'd like to bring attention to the internal part of applying curiosity to what you find within.

It's so important to remain curious and non-judgmental toward what is uncovered. The material that emerges, things that your body has to say, or the beliefs you hold or held don't need to be judged. You don't have to decide if they're right or wrong, true or false, something your ego wants to identify with or not. It can just be one thing…there. That's it. You only have to be present with it and possibly go so far as to think to yourself "hmm, that's interesting." Curiosity allows for the continuous emergence of what is without attaching a story. It allows you just to be the witness of your own unfolding.


Triggered… Now What?


A Philosophy of Healing