The Science of Sound Healing
Have you ever wondered what is actually happening physiologically during a sound meditation? So much is happening! We're only going to continue learning more about sound meditation as interest grows and technology improves. Here, I'll share some of the basics of our current understanding, especially in regards to the effects on our nervous system and our brain waves.
You can't talk about the science of sound without addressing the effects on the nervous system. You can think of sensations as the love language of the nervous system. When you create a pleasurable, sensual, healing environment it communicates to your nervous system that you are safe. It communicates to your body that it can now redirect its energy internally to optimize your own ability to regenerate and heal yourself.
Sound is a powerful sensory tool. We are vibrational beings. You can think of our bodies as instruments. Dissonance for being out of tune creates disease. Being in harmony creates health and vitality. We entrain with our surroundings, meaning we sync with the vibration of our environment. Sacred Sound helps us attune to a state of harmony, peace, and well-being.
Physically, sound waves stimulate our Cochlear Vestibular Nerve in our ear. This nerve attaches to the Vagus Nerve which is the main nerve for activating a parasympathetic nervous system response, or the rest and digest state. Overtone-rich instruments emit a frequency that communicates to the nervous system that it's time for rest. In this state, our ability to heal is optimized. Blood returns from our limbs back to nourishing and oxygenating our internal organs and rejuvenating our entire system.
At the same time that your nervous system is shifting, your brain waves are also shifting. This is a measurable change. With an EEG we can measure the electromagnetic frequency of our brain.
Typical brain waves are broken down into five main categories: Beta, Alpha, Theta and Delta, and Gamma. Let's break them down.
Beta: 14-30 hz. This is the state that we are in most of the time. It's our normal waking state. We are responding to external stimuli.
Alpha: 9-13 hz. This is nicknamed the "flow state", or otherwise "being in the zone".
Theta: 4-8 hz. This is what might be referred to as "the in-between". Where you're not really awake and you're not really asleep. It's like daydreaming. Where You're still aware of your external reality but you're also aware of what's happening internally.
Delta: Below 4 hz. This is deep sleep. You are not aware of your external reality. You're unaware of sleeping even. You have zero concept of time.
Gamma: 30+ hz. This state is more rare. It's such a heightened state that oftentimes it's associated with mystical experiences or ecstasy. If you've ever been listening to techno, dancing for hours and spontaneously it feels as though you're connected to everything and everyone and the heavens have descended upon you, you've probably entered Gamma state.
Your brain frequencies entrain with sound frequencies. Sound that is intentionally attuned to healing, helps you shift from Beta, to more relaxing and meditative states such as Alpha and Theta. Sometimes even Delta. The cool thing is you don't have to be an experienced meditator to shift your consciousness and reach these different states of awareness. Sound can help you get to know the nature of your own mind a little better.
Thanks to modern technology, this ancient practice is no longer "woo woo". Science has proven that Sound can be used as a powerful tool for regulating your nervous system which helps to heal all the other systems of your body and gain insight into the nature of consciousness, and the ways in which we experience reality. I'm a big fan of anecdotal evidence and experiential knowledge, so I encourage you to go explore and experience it for yourself.
Schedule your Sound Session here.